Francesco Enrico Ventura
May 14th - November 27th
A final word from Francisco Enrico Ventura - "Frankie"
Thank you for visiting my website.
I don't want you to be sad... my coming into this world was not the right time for me. I know it's little comfort at this point saying "it was not meant to be", but it was not.
I am now back in spirit form, and will be looking over mommy and daddy until the time IS right, and we will live a happy life together in the end.
For now, please help mommy and daddy, as I know they are heart broken, and miss me very much. I will always be in their hearts and minds, and I hope they can try to remember all those lovely moments when my mommy first found out she was pregnant with me, my first scan, the first time she heard my heart beating, and my first kick.
I'm sorry we did'nt get to be a family this time, but the future is another thing. I loved hearing mommy and daddy singing to me, and will miss that.
I will always love my family very much, and we will be together one day.
Please find it in your heart to leave a donation to the charity that offered so much support for my family, the Cleft Lip And Palete Association - C.L.A.P.A.
Love you all..... Frankie....
Francesco Enrico Ventura
- Positive Pregnancy Test - May 14th, 2013
- Son of Lisa & Russell Ventura
- Grandson of:
Linda & Frank Ventura
Allan Peach & Vikki Toocher
- Sadly left us on November 25th, 2013.
- Born on November 27th 2013.
In the short time I was here, I know I brought a lot of joy and hope to my family. I will always exisit in their hearts and memories