Venture Attends Cyber Security Event at The Hive in Worcester
Venture’s Managing Director Lisa Ventura was in attendance yesterday at a seminar titled “Demystifying Cyber Security”, which was also attended by Robin Walker, Member of Parliament for Worcester and consisted of several presentations and a panel discussion by leading cyber security companies and specialists.
The event was run by Key-IQ in Malvern but founded by Nigel Church of First Solutions Technologies and Ian Whiting of Titania Ltd, both based in County House in Worcester.
The seminar was an excellent opportunity to learn more about cyber security and how this can impact on small and medium sized businesses with presentations from Ian Whiting of Titania Ltd, Nigel Church of First Solution Technologies, Richard Henson of the University of Worcester and Steve Borwell-Fox of Borwell Ltd.
A panel discussion took place at the end of the event with Robin Walker MP staying to take part in this.
The presentations can be downloaded by visiting the Key IQ website –
"This seminar really highlighted the importance of cyber security and how it can affect your business”, said Venture’s Managing Director Lisa Ventura. “Data breaches can have a serious and long term impact on businesses and it was good to see a group of companies come together to discuss the key issues around cyber security. Worcestershire is a hub of cyber security activity and we should be proud to be leading the way in this very important field.”
For more information on the event visit