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How to handle the media during LIVE television interviews

One of the things we are frequently asked is how to cope when having to face the TV cameras for either a live or a pre-recorded interview. Here at Venture PR we have put together a few pointers to help:

Make sure you know your objectives for the interview well in advance.

Convey information, especially in the tough points – a natural inclination is to try and change the subject of the question so that you don’t have to answer the tough ones. All this will achieve is to make your interviewer focus more sharply on the point, so be prepared for any negative as well as positive questions.

State your message clearly and try to get it out early enough in the interview. Also try to state your point often and in different ways – repetition will help the key messages stay at the forefront of the interview.

Don’t speculate – especially important if they ask when you think UK Airspace will be open or any other questions relating to the volcanic ash cloud that only organisations like the Met Office should answer.

Before the interview - meet the people involved in the interview and ask how you'll be introduced once on air.

Before the interview – if possible, ask the interviewer what the first question will be and you can then plan your first answer.

Controlling Nerves:

Feeling nervous is not a bad thing. The right amount of adrenaline can give you the edge to perform at your best

Scared of the unknown - you can deal with his by collecting all the information about the interview.

Fear of failure - you will be thoroughly briefed on the subject. You know the points you want to make – focus on these.

Anticipation - before setting off, while travelling to the interview or waiting in the studio - keep yourself occupied. This could be time to tidy that case or reorganise your diary.

Breathe deeply - Take a brisk walk it burns up the adrenaline.

Loosen your face muscles – visualise a happy and calming event.

Sip water so your mouth does not go dry prior to the interview.


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