The marketplace is increasingly crowded with imagery and ideas for your competitors and other industries, all competing for your clients' attention.
Bamboo's creative team can bring your brand to life through a multitude of communication strategies.
Based in-house, our team gives you access to industry-leading creatives, copywriters, designers and communication experts. As with all the work that we carry out for you, integration is our greatest weapon in bringing you new business; as our creative team works in tandem with CRM specialists who are identifying opportunities and trends within your database and the telemarketing team that is on hand to provide qualitative feedback on your customers and prospects.
With increasing volumes of marketing communications competing for your audience's attention, new innovations in e-marketing, new media, SMS, Bluetooth marketing and voice automation can be employed to communicate with your prospects in a way that is interactive and engaging. With an enriched and current database through which to operate, these methods help you make the most of your marketing spend and reach new audiences.
Of course, all your creative campaigns can be driven through your database and so the historically difficult procedure of analysing the success of a campaign becomes a simple and automatic process.

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