BT Local Business
Bringing BT to your doorstep - we speak your language

We work with a number of key partners throughout Worcesteshire, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire and South Wales:
Local Enterprise Parternership
We are a business led partnership of local councils, local business, trade organisations and the voluntary sector.
Our task is to develop the best business environment for the county, encourage inward investment, stimulate the local economy, identify appropriate projects for funding and promote Worcestershire as an exceptional place to work, live and prosper. For further information, please refer to our Business Plan.
If you’re looking to grow your business or invest in our county, you’ll find everything you need to know in our website. And you can get involved in our online conversations.
Chamber of Commerce
At the heart of our business is a desire to see member businesses flourish. Growth and prosperity are the key to sustainable communities and our comprehensive support will provide added value for your business regardless of your size or stage of development.
We are a private company but we are also a social enterprise that re-invests any surpluses in the development of support for our members.
Our membership remains truly representative of the diverse community across Herefordshire and Worcestershire with over 50% of members employing less than 10 staff.
Your success is central to everything that we do. It is our drive, our vision, our passion by joining us you will be in good company.
Find it in Worcestershire
We aim to boost the area’s economy by giving local businesses, social enterprises and voluntary sector organisations the support and contacts they need to pitch for and win bigger contracts.
Join today and find people interested in supplying to and buying from you, or learn more in our Quick Guide.You will also benefit from free networking events designed to help you win more work.
Finditinworcestershire is easy to use and absolutely FREE. Register today and help to build a bigger, greener, local economy - while your business grows.
Worcestershire Business Central
Worcestershire.Business.Central is a single point of contact for all Worcestershire business support needs, whether it be for start-ups, growing businesses, developing skills, finding property, networking or finance.
With a dedicated web presence helpline and enquiry system Worcestershire.Business.Central brings all available business support into one place.In response to feedback from over 1,200 businesses, Worcestershire County Council in conjunction with other partners* has created a 'one-stop-shop' to remove the time consuming and often frustrating task of finding useful business support and advice.
Federation of Small Businesses
The Federation of Small Businesses is the UK's largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and owners of small firms. Formed in 1974, it now has 200,000 members across 33 regions and 194 branches.
Worcester BID
Worcester Business Improvement District (BID) has been in operation since April 2010 and is a non-for-profit organisation with the aim of improving the trading conditions for the businesses who contribute a BID levy.
The BID is funded by 669 businesses within Worcester City Centre paying a levy based on their rateable value and we deliver either new projects or projects in addition to those statutorily provided by public agencies.
Worcester’s businesses voted in favour to fund the BID to make sure that Worcester remains the perfect place in which to shop, eat play and live all year round. Please visit the BID Projects and About Us pages for further information.
Malvern Cyber Security Cluster
We are a group of more than 45 small cyber security companies centered around Malvern in Worcestershire. We cooperate on a range of initiatives to grow our cyber security businesses, improve the cyber security of local enterprises, and also raise awareness of cyber security amongst young people.
It is free to join this cluster and, as long as you are actively working in the cyber security or information assurance markets, we would be very pleased to welcome you to this group.
If you are a company not working in cyber security but would like some advice on how you can improve your cyber security or on any specific issues, we would like to help you.