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Embedded and FPGA Experts


Austin Consultants has a number of FPGA (Field-programmable Gate Arrays) programming experts on board and are leaders in programming LabVIEW FPGA and partners of National Instruments.

An overview summary of our VHDL FPGA Experience:

Below we have listed a few items that we have completed:


  • Experience with range of Xilinx based FPGAs (Virtex II through to Virtex 5).
  • Direct interaction with primitives and macros for the underlying architecture.
  • Implementing 200MHz DDR comms to 16bit parallel ADC (which also involved implementing instance of digital clock manger (DCM) to adjust clock skew on pin by pin basis).
  • Using Xilinx Coregen tools to implement and incorporate pre-generated blocks such as FIR filters, dual port memory etc.
  • Development of standard protocols e.g. SPI and I2C to external devices e.g. Memory, ADCs and DACs
  • Using Xilinx Floorplanner tools to develop Location based constraints files.
  • Linking VHDL with other 3rd party tools, including Xilinx Schematics (block diagram) and LabVIEW FPGA (CLIP nodes).

We are happy to work with Altera FPGAs as the underlying architecture and VHDL structure will be the same.

With regards to National Instruments hardware we have several years of experience programming Compact RIO (cRIO) and the full FPGA range including Virtex-5 LX110 FPGA

We were invited to Julich Research establishment in Germany to program the FPGAs for their Fusion reactors due to experience in the field for high-speed acquisition and real-time analysis all on board the FPGA at microsecond parallel processing resolution which using a second FPGA to communicate and use the data to control a large Gyrotron and fire microwaves into the plasma in extremely tight time frames and accuracy requirements.

Case Studies

Julich Fusion Reactor
Imperial Data Logger – Used by National Instruments to promote their tools and capabilities.

For high speed data processing and analysis have also completed a VHDL FPGA for enabling video-rate imaging and high speed analysis of the data for a project which involved a large amount of filtering and data buffering for a video-rate atomic force microscope.


For more details on how FPGA can improve your system please see the following link:

We also work with FPGA in the finance Industry and are a UK partner of Wall Street FPGA

Please see the white papers on price options using FPGA
And information for using FPGA in finance.






Company Overview

Embedded and
FPGA Experts


LabVIEW Team


Energy Minitoring

XY Plotter




Anopdisation Controller​

AML Silicon Wafer Bonding System​

Optical Fibre Link Emulator​

Imperial College London​

TEXTOR Fusion Reactor


Austin Consultants Ltd.

Carpenter House Innovation Centre | Broad Quay | Bath | BA1 1UD

Company Registration No. 6352633 | Vat No. 932283234|

ISO 9001 | Certified LabVIEW Architects

Certified National Instruments Alliance Members

© 2013. Austin Consultants Ltd. All rights reserved.


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