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David Catto

Certified LabVIEW Developer
Registered iOS Developer

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David received his Masters in Avionic Systems from Bristol University. He has since worked with BAE Systems, Thales, EADS, CAE Inc. and has most recently been Lead Developer for an up and coming nano-technology company

Scientific instrumentation, Aerospace (sub system and environmental simulation), Control (PID, control tuning, feed forward, lead lag compensation etc), FPGA and embedded, Digital Filtering (inc. signal conditioning on FPGA), Advanced signal analysis, High speed data acquisition (inc. custom high speed ADC/DAC boards), Instrument and device control (Serial, GPIB, I2C, SPI)

2010 - present

2010 - present

Areas of expertise:

Specific NI experience:

LV (including most toolkits(!)), LV Realtime, LV FPGA, CRIO, CompactDAQ (USB and Ethernet) , FlexRIO (inc. writing VHDL nodes), VISION (inc. GigE cameras, image recognition etc), PXI, PXIe (inc. peer to peer streaming), Large scale applications, Device drivers (inc. DLLs)

NI qualifications:

Other skills:

Certified LabVIEW Developer

PIC Programming, HTML

Other skills:

PIC Programming, HTML

Certified LabVIEW Architect

NI qualifications:

CRIO, FPGA, VISION, PXI, Large scale applications, Device drivers

Specific NI experience:

Green Energy, Optical engineering solutions, Nuclear Fusion, Aerospace, Advanced signal analysis implementation, Profibus, Instrument control (Serial, GPIB, etc)

Areas of expertise:

Peter Davis

Certified LabVIEW Architect

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Peter graduated in Computers, Electronics and Communicational Engineering from the University of Bath. Peter was one of the first three people to reach Certified LabVIEW Architect status the UK and has over ten years experience across a number of National Instruments software and hardware platforms and on projects as diverse as Fusion reactor control systems to shopping till consumer systems.

Simon Carter

Certified LabVIEW
Associate Developer

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Simon Carter is our most senior systems engineer having over 30 years experience in aviation, space and other real time applications. Trained as an Avionic Engineering Technician by the Royal Air Force Simon has worked on projects as diverse as the Eurofighter Typhoon, the Astute class of submarine, the Ariane 5 lauch vehicle and JCB's latest excavator

German speaker, Health & Safety Assessor

Other skills:

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer

NI qualifications:

cDAQ, PXI, VMEbus, VXIbus

Specific NI experience:

Embedded computing applications, Defence & aerospace Systems, Satellite communication systems, Defence nuclear applications, Test & measurement solutions, Network and application performance analysis.

Areas of expertise:

David Boxshall

Certified LabVIEW

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Dan has a Masters in Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering from the University of Bath. Dan has worked as a project engineer in building services consultancy and high power electrical products. He also has a number of years experience as a senior software systems engineer.

Certified LabVIEW Developer

NI qualifications:

Green Energy, Building Management, Power Electrical , Academic Research

Areas of expertise:

CAD (2D and 3D), BREEAM

Other skills:

Instrument Device Drivers, Instrument control (Serial, GPIB, etc), X Controls, Advanced Algorithmic Programming, NI Qualifications, Certified LabVIEW Developer

Specific NI experience:





Company Overview

Embedded and
FPGA Experts


LabVIEW Team


Energy Minitoring

XY Plotter




Anopdisation Controller​

AML Silicon Wafer Bonding System​

Optical Fibre Link Emulator​

Imperial College London​

TEXTOR Fusion Reactor


Austin Consultants Ltd.

Carpenter House Innovation Centre | Broad Quay | Bath | BA1 1UD

Company Registration No. 6352633 | Vat No. 932283234|

ISO 9001 | Certified LabVIEW Architects

Certified National Instruments Alliance Members

© 2013. Austin Consultants Ltd. All rights reserved.


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